The user's personal data is used by Moda Brand (belonging to Moda Int srl), which is the data controller for the treatment, in compliance with the personal data protection principles established by the GDPR Regulation 2016/679.


The data processed are the following:

1) Navigation data:

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment. The data collected in this way could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of any computer crimes against the site.

2) Data provided directly by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of data as requested by various sections of this site are used in order to process the user's requests (example merely indicative and not exhaustive: when information or clarifications are requested by writing to the email addresses electronic present on the site on the home page or on the internal pages or when curriculum vitae are spontaneously sent in order to propose themselves as candidates, or when direct calls are made or faxes are sent to the numbers always present in the "contacts" section).

The data collected through the site are processed through IT and telematic procedures, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, according to the provisions of the "conservation limitation principle", art.5, GDPR, in compliance with the aforementioned legislation and the confidentiality obligations which inspire the activity of the Data Controller. The data may also be processed on paper or on any other type of suitable medium, in compliance with the adequate security measures pursuant to article 5 par. 1 lit. F of the GDPR. We adopt all the security measures required by the Regulations to protect the data collected, in order to avoid the risks of data loss or theft, unauthorized access and illicit use.

If you choose to contact us using the contact form on our site or an email link, none of the data you provide will be stored by this website or transferred/processed by any of the third party data processors. Instead, the data will be collected in an e-mail and sent to us via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The provision of data through the forms on the site or communications transmitted on a voluntary basis by the same user is always optional; however, in the event of failure to provide the data marked as mandatory in the request forms, we will not be able to provide the user with the service requested from time to time.


The provision of data is mandatory for all that is required by legal and contractual obligations and therefore any refusal to supply them in whole or in part may make it impossible to provide the requested services.

The company processes users' optional data on the basis of consent, i.e. through the explicit approval of this privacy policy and in relation to the methods and purposes described below. Navigation data is processed as necessary to implement IT and telematic protocols; the provision of personal data by users is free and optional.

Only in the presence of an express authorization from the User, Moda Int srl will proceed to use your data for the same activities referred to in the previous paragraph with the aid of automated tools without the intervention of an operator and/or for the other purposes authorized from time to time by the User. Similarly, only with the express consent of the User, Moda Int srl will be able to share or communicate your data to its commercial partners – from time to time expressly indicated or listed on the Site – so that the same proceed, in the quality of owners , to separate treatments having the same methods and the same limits as for the treatment authorized by Moda Int srl. Users' data are never disclosed, with the exception of those that the User voluntarily makes available on any publicly accessible common areas of the Site. Users are invited not to provide their personal data within the publicly accessible common areas of the Site, reserving the right to cancel such data or make them anonymous in the case of sensitive data according to the definition set out in article 4 paragraph 1 letter d) of the Privacy Code. Finally, the data can be communicated to the public authority in the presence of a legitimate order given by the same.


Without prejudice to communications made in fulfillment of legal and contractual obligations, all data collected and processed may be communicated exclusively for the purposes specified above to the following categories of interested parties:

– Authorized persons;

– External managers;


Data stored in electronic registers within the company. All traffic (file transfers) between this website and your browser is encrypted and delivered via HTTPS.


The mandatory data for contractual and accounting purposes are kept for the time necessary to carry out the commercial and accounting relationship. The data of those who do not purchase or use products/services, despite having had previous contact with company representatives, will be immediately canceled or processed anonymously, where their conservation is not otherwise justified, unless it has been validly acquired the informed consent of the interested parties relating to a subsequent commercial promotion or market research activity. The data retention period is: 10 years from the termination of the relationship


Pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and national legislation, the interested party may, according to the methods and within the limits established by current legislation, exercise the following rights:

  • request confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him (right of access);
  • know its origin;
  • receive intelligible communication;
  • have information about the logic, methods and purposes of the processing;
  • request the updating, rectification, integration, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those no longer necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which they were collected;
  • in cases of treatment based on consent, receive your data provided to the owner, in a structured and readable form by a data processor and in a format commonly used by an electronic device;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority.

The data controller of your personal data is Moda Int srl


What are cookies

A "cookie" is a text file saved on the user's computer when he accesses a website with the purpose of providing information each time the user returns to the same site. It is a sort of reminder of the visited internet page. With the cookie, the web server sends information to the user's browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) stored on the latter's computer, and will be read and updated each time the user returns to the site. In this way the website can automatically adapt to the user. While browsing, the user could also receive cookies from different sites on his terminal ("third-party" cookies), set up directly by the operators of said websites and used for the purposes and according to the methods defined by them. Depending on their duration, they are divided into session cookies (i.e. temporary cookies that are automatically deleted from the terminal at the end of the browsing session by closing the browser) and persistent cookies (i.e. those that remain stored on the terminal until they expire or are canceled by the user).

Based on the function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies and profiling cookies.

Technical cookies

Some cookies are used to perform computer authentication, session monitoring and storage of specific information on users who access a web page. These so-called technical cookies are often useful for allowing you to browse a website and use all its features. Technical cookies are those whose use does not require the user's consent. Analytics cookies also belong to this category. These are cookies that collect information about the use that a user makes of a website and that allow it to improve its functioning. For example, analytics cookies show which pages are most frequently visited, allow you to check which are the recurring patterns of use of a website and help you understand every difficulty that the user encounters in using it.

Profiling cookies

Other cookies can instead be used to monitor and profile users while browsing, study their movements and web consultation or consumption habits (what they buy, what they read, etc.), also for the purpose of sending advertising of targeted services and customized. In this case we speak of profiling cookies. The use of these cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent pursuant to art. 7 of EU Regulation 2016/679.

Third party cookies

It may also happen that a web page contains cookies from other sites and contained in various elements hosted on the page itself, such as, for example, advertising banners, images, videos, maps or specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, these cookies are set directly by website or server managers other than this website. In these cases we are talking about the so-called third-party cookies, which are usually used for profiling purposes. The use of these cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent.

Types of cookies used by our site

The main functions of the cookies installed by this site are technical, they are used to constantly improve the Service, for authentication, for statistical purposes, such as counting visits to the site. The use of cookies is therefore strictly aimed at facilitating server functions while browsing the Service. The site also allows the sending of the following third-party cookies. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, for more information, therefore, it is possible to access the information and the forms for acquiring the consent of the third parties, by clicking on the links shown. To improve the website and understand which parts or elements are most appreciated by users, third-party cookies from Google Analytics are used as an anonymous and aggregate analysis tool. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, for more information, therefore, you can consult the information provided by Google. The website pages incorporate some Facebook and other social sharing widgets and buttons, to allow the user to share the contents of the website on their own social channels, and to interact with our channels. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, but are created respectively by Facebook and by the other sites when the respective widget or share button is used. To find out more, visit the following information pages: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, WhatsApp Business.

Cookie management

The user can manage his own cookie preferences by clicking on the following button


or through the functions present in common browsers that allow you to delete / remove cookies (all or some) or change the settings of the browser itself in order to block the sending of cookies or to limit it to specific sites (compared to others). Therefore, it is possible to deny the use of cookies by following the disabling procedure provided by your browser. The methods proposed by the main browsers are shown below: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Google Analytics by downloading a specific browser plug-in. For information on the cookies stored on your terminal and to deactivate them individually, refer to the link:

Social networking plugins

This site also incorporates plugins and/or commands for social networks, in order to allow easy sharing of content on your favorite social networks. These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies when accessing the page, to safeguard user privacy. Eventually cookies are set, if so provided by social networks, only when the user makes effective and voluntary use of the plugin. Keep in mind that if the user browses being logged into the social network then he has already consented to the use of cookies conveyed through this site when registering with the social network. The collection and use of the information obtained through the plugin are governed by the respective privacy policies of the social networks, to which please refer.

– Facebook – (

– Twitter – (

– Instagram – ( ).

– TikTok – (

This privacy policy may undergo changes over time - also connected to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or technological innovations - for which the user / visitor is invited to consult periodically This Page.

Privacy and Cookie Policy updated on 13 April 2023.